The purpose of a VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat is to discover what you have been hiding within yourself and move past old programming to gain insight and acknowledge exactly what New Vision you want to create for your life, not only for 2024 but going forward in the years to come.
My goal is to encourage and guide you in finding your true self again! With hands on assistance, I will help you realize your own deep Passion and Purpose again in a way that frees you from any current blind spots robbing you of your life's vitality. The truth is you must do something to get you out of your comfort zone and disrupt the current feelings causing lack of clarity, low energy, lack of motivation and fear of the future.
During our VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat, we will spend time identifying where you are struggling, and where there are hidden resources and sources of money in your existing business. Our goal is to balance your right and left brain so you will leave with a plan on how you can redirect your life Currency using your energy, mentality, emotionality, physicality, spirituality, and financial resources for a brighter and more financially secure future. It is time now to let the past go, with all its life draining tentacles and claim your personal power and create a more rewarding life. Let’s release what is stale, boring, tedious, and those old habits that no longer work for you in your life, profession and business.
Now is the time-- your inner being is calling for you to accept your inherent personal powers that you were born with but society has hidden away from you. Now with a fresh new perception you will easily shift away from the drudgery from your life being just a tedious to do list and connect with the greater part of you that has a real vision & purpose for your life and work. I want to bring the fun, excitement, wonder and enjoyment back into your life and future. Together we can wake up the real you allowing you to live with love, appreciation of self and a sense of control of your own life.
First, in the privacy of my home, overlooking the beautiful Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean, I will design (based on your questionnaire) a customized retreat to assist you in bravely facing and banishing any of the old fear-based energy and past programing that has been blocking you from your own personal power to manifest and create the future you deserve.
In our VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat, we will identify and transform the BLIND SPOTS that are blocking you from your soul’s purpose and your true natural self. The real you will now have permission to come out and play since you have removed the wounds that held you back from seeing your own potential and inherent power and talents.
During this very personal and private spiritual and practical retreat, you will have the space to upgrade and shift your life energy into a higher vibrational frequency, to set new vibrational frequencies, put into action a new course of possibilities, intentions, and inspired goals for your future. This very powerful one day retreat will open hidden inner desires and move past old programs instilled in you by society, family, past experiences that have kept you from using your true inherent talents, strengths, skills, and experience. Keep in mind all inner and external success must be an inside job first!
You owe it to yourself to do something different and shake up your old routines. Staying in a different vibrational environment on the water in Virginia Beach, alone, and at a Waterfront Beach hotel suite to allow yourself to reset, rejuvenate and recharge your body, mind and soul will help you engage in an upgraded vision of what you want to create in all parts of your life business and personal.
Allow me to help you guide your back to your true powers and no longer hide from yourself. It is time to face the past and let it go! Let’s wipe the slate clean and open your heart and mind to new adventures and opportunities!
“Your beliefs become your thoughts.
Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habits.
Your habits become your values. Your values become your Destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi
The above quote is more than just inspiration for the VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat, it is guidance. Until you understand what it is you truly value most, what inspires you, who you really are, and what your true purpose is, a completely inspired and fulfilling life will elude you.
The VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat will require you to drill down and FIND your own highest values as this is the key to defining and meeting your new life and professional goals. These Values will alert you to opportunities you might have otherwise missed, and allow you to tap into your own physical, mental, and spiritual powers. Once you become aware of your highest values you will no longer be blocked from fully accessing your true abilities and purpose in life.
Together we will unlock your highest values and the key to living your inspired destiny. Once you have sincerely discovered your unique values you will love the work you choose to do. You will be able to activate your unique genius, grow your financial freedom, expand your influence, and unleash your vitality to fulfill your purpose for being here on earth. You will also STOP following the crowd and start paving your own unique path and formulas to achieve what is “calling you”.
During our time together I will “HOLD SPACE” for you to discover blocks in your subconscious mind that are detrimental and sabotaging your efforts. I will also share my Intuitive feelings on the challenges you are currently working through and offer practical, spiritual and metaphysical solutions.
I will guide you through tools & concepts, to shift and transform old energy into a new vision of what is possible that will imprint on your conscious and subconscious mind so that you may overcome obstacles that have burdened you in your past. Getting completely clear about exactly what your values and desires for the future are will easily allow you to accept or reject opportunities, so you no longer waste time living in your old unhappy, overworked, and confused paradigms. You will release regret, second guessing yourself and waiting for someone else to give you permission to be on your own unique journey.
I know making a big life change is pretty scary!
But know what’s even scarier?
The VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat agenda is entirely tailored to your personal needs and requests to bring you into a state of clarity with an action plan to give you peace of mind and face the future with confidence, clarity, certainly and a feeling of being capable of achieving whatever you personally desire and are willing to create in your life.
Who Is a VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat for?
- VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat is for those Lifetime Learners who want to understand themselves to better capitalize and leverage their talents, wisdom, and experience their life's energy in a new and productive way. Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Business owners, & Creatives who want more from life than the norm. Who wants balance, joy, and profits with Less Effort and Strain.
- Anyone who is interested in reuniting their spirit and natural talents to direct their life energy in ways that create new patterns of purpose and larger profits.
- Individuals experiencing major life transitions desire clarity and direction for their next evolution.
- Individuals who are open to connecting with their Source and welcome spiritual strategies, as well as intelligent business strategies and plans.
- Creatives who want more magic, love, confidence and ease in their daily lives where they are enjoying life and manifesting their desires with less stress and strain.
- Business Owners, and Entrepreneurs and professionals who want to break away from the old exhausting and stale routines and truly break out of the old habits of putting everyone in the world ahead of them and give themselves permission to truly live and have the best life adventures possible.
- Old Souls who want to break away from detrimental old limiting programing, old attitudes, habits, and problems that have held them back from truly living their purpose in life.
Who Is a VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat NOT for?
- People who have no knowledge of their connection to the Source.
- People who are victims, who only blame others for the circumstances of their lives and do not wish to take personal responsibility for co-creating and piloting their life and business.
- People who are unwilling to do the work, nor have the determination, persistence and open-minded attitudes to welcome new ideas, strategies, and resources.
- People who are only interested in the financial aspect of their life expect overnight magic bullet success results.
A Rewarding Life Changing Investment into Your Future:
*A One-Day VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat
A VIP Personal ONE DAY Vision Quest Retreat in Virginia Beach, from 9 AM to 5 PM, with lunch & snacks provided along with outside time on the beach for reflection, as well as a burn and release ceremony– Weather Permitting. Accommodation will be made to pick you up at your hotel at 8:45 am and bring you to Lee’s personal Beach home and then return to your hotel in the evening.
The One Day: VIP Personal Vision Quest Investment is: $6,750 *Paid by check*
Bonus Training and Support after VIP Vision Quest Retreat
to Keep you on Track and in Alignment with Your Goals:
- (2) Two 30-minute COACHING SESSIONS following your VIP Personal Vision Quest Retreat to assist you in staying on track with your new plans and strategies included at no extra cost. Value $1,500.00
- You will receive Lee’s ALCHEMIST INNER CIRCLE Coaching Program Membership for two months. Value $300.00 (for those already a member of the Alchemist Inner Circle, you will receive an additional 30 minute private coaching session with Lee in place of this offer worth $400)
- Lee Milteer’s Secrets of Implementation: Interviews with Top Millionaire Entrepreneurs- Digital Download- Value $295.00
- Autographed Copies of Lee’s Books: Activate Your Inner Power, Reclaim the Magic, Success Is An Inside Job, The Magic of Prayers, and Spiritual Power Tools for Successful Selling, Women Who Mean Business - Value $105.00
- Overcoming Unproductive Behaviors System Digital Download - Value $300.00
- Customized Vision Quest Workbook to help aid you in your journey- Priceless!
Total Support Bonus Value: $1,850.00
Not included in investment: Hotel accommodations and lodging, airfare or travel, meals outside of the aforementioned items and transportation to location. You will need to travel to Va Beach the day before the event. We suggest that since your hotel is on the water in Va Beach you might consider giving yourself a day of just relaxing on the Beach to integrate all the insights before you go home to your normal life.
All payments are final and not eligible for refund due to holding of Lee Milteer’s dates on her schedule.
Please advise Lee Milteer within 14 days prior to your scheduled date if you need to reschedule.
All changes must be approved prior to the 14-day window and are at Lee Milteer’s discretion and dependent upon current availability.
After this 14-day window, rescheduled dates cannot be guaranteed and may result in forfeiture.
Norfolk, Virginia is recommended Airport.
Recommended Hotel: Delta Hotel Beach Suites ( about 15 minutes from Airport)
Address: 2800 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Phone Number: (757) 481-9000
*Please take a virtual Tour of the Brand new renovated All Suites Marriott DELTA Hotel Suites:
Hotel in VA Beach Virginia | Delta Hotels Virginia Beach Bayfront Suites (marriott.com)
(If you opt to utilize an Airbnb, or a non-preferred hotel you will be required to supply your own transportation to VIP location.)
Here Is What Others Had To Say About Lee's Past VIP Vision Quest Days!
"As a successful entrepreneur who built a million-dollar business from the ground up, I felt confident that I knew my stuff. However, a few years ago I hit a wall both emotionally and professionally. I was having difficulty seeing a way out of a dangerous downward economic spiral, as well as losing confidence in my abilities and my intuition. I found Lee Milteer, and that proverbial wall was busted down. Her Vision Day and coaching has helped me regain faith in myself and reclaim my power as a professional businesswoman who has much more to accomplish. She has the no holds barred approach that I needed, and my business plan and life plan are back on track. She speaks truth and if you are open to listening, she will give you the straight talk you need to move forward. I have observed her firsthand help men and women in a multitude of diverse business fields solve real problems quickly and progress to the next level in their thinking, habits, and success. For someone looking for a business strategist coach who will help you move forward quickly, Lee Milteer is your answer. And might I add, don’t hesitate. Every day you stall and do not contact Lee is another day of missed opportunity, lower profits, and lower productivity. Thank you so much for giving of yourself. You don’t have to share your knowledge, but you choose, too. I appreciate that. Your Vision Day was priceless for me personally to literally get clarity and newfound directions that are in alignment with who I am and what I want to achieve in the future."
Amanda Olson
Master Taekwondo Instructor: Olson’s Martial Arts Academy, INC
Co-Founder: The American Martial Arts Institute
Co-Founder: Safety N.E.T. Kids
"Vision Day with Lee Milteer shifted my Focus totally. I was very nervous about investment for two days with the famous Lee Milteer who has been one of my heroes for many years after reading her book Success Is An Inside Job. I finally gave myself permission to invest the money to have a vision quest day at Lee's house in VA Beach, Va. Wow, treated like a King and was deeply moved on how intuitive Lee is on exactly what my blind spots were and how to overcome them. Literally, this Vision Quest Day investment paid off big time since I walked away with not only a new perspective of what is possible for me and my business but also the need for more balance, fun, and joy in life daily life. Lee pointed out a hidden profitable business within my own business and when I got home, I put all those suggestions she offered into play and the results were shocking. I had not realized exactly how narrow-minded I had become and this day with Lee was exactly the tonic I need to get myself back on track. Since the day in Virginia Beach, my profits are way up, my wife and children feel more loved and appreciated and my life has taken a big upturn in every way. I plan on doing a Vision VIP Day with Lee at least once a year from now on at the first of the year to make sure I leverage all I can! I also wanted to thank you for the follow-up coaching calls and the support materials you sent to me. They have been so great in reinforcing the strategies, tools, and suggestions you gave me during our vision quest day. Thanks so much,"
Darin Web
Toronto, Canada