12 One Hour 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions w/ Lee

12 One Hour 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions w/ Lee

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1-on-1 Coaching with Lee Milteer offers clients who may be looking for a more individualized plan the opportunity to speak candidly and more intimately with Lee in order to see faster progress, and closer assistance with business issues they may not want to share in a group setting.

Those who benefit from 1-on-1 Coaching with Lee come into it looking to face the future with a feeling of certainty, confidence, and a clear plan of action to reach their targets.

Have you been feeling lost lately? Wondering where the magic and joy you once had in your business have gone?

If you are looking to find that sense of peace and joy you once had and are ready to let go of the past in order to open yourself up to accessing your inherent abilities you have left untapped for some time, Lee can help!

You will benefit from coaching if you are willing to face your dragons; all of those blind spots, confusion, fears, self-doubt, and lack of vision, and are ready to create an action plan. If you are really ready to release it all and create a Rock Star Plan of Action towards your Future.

This is not a path one can go on alone. You need a mentor who has been there, who can provide fresh eyes and clarity, who has plenty of experience guiding people by utilizing Instincts and Intuition.

Lee has had the pleasure of working with so many entrepreneurs at the top of their fields and has been a feature in my many coaching programs over the years: Peak Performers, Renegade Millionaire and now Success Smarts Club. The hundreds of Hot Seats where she has helped people find solutions to problems they sat with for decades, finding hidden money in their current business and identifying the internal blocks that held them back from really cutting the past cords and removing the unconscious fears to be free up and finally giving themselves permission to go for what they want.

Life is short, don’t waste it!

Learn More: Personal Business Coaching - Lee Milteer